
Sports Academies

Burnaby hosts three sports academies for students needing to receive professional coaching alongside studying in the high school program.


The ice hockey academy is a skills-based program for players to improve their ice hockey skills. It does not include competitive games. It has a maximum of 27 students, with a minimum of 2 goaltenders and a maximum of 4 goaltenders. The ice hockey academy is a full year (10-month) program. Students are expected to maintain a certain academic grade level to remain in the program.

The ice hockey academy is licensed through Hockey Canada and follows a national instructional curriculum stipulated by Hockey Canada. All coaches are fully trained and accredited by Hockey Canada.

  • Location: Burnaby North Secondary & Burnaby 8 Rinks sports complex
  • Eligibility: Grades 8 – 12, minimum four years ice hockey experience, males & females

For more information please contact dave.watts@burnabyschools.ca or international@burnabyschools.ca


The soccer academy provides high-achieving soccer players with the opportunity to improve their soccer skills while studying in a high school program. The soccer academy is held at SFU, where students will go to school at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School. This is a skills-based program. Competitive soccer games are not played.

The SFU Soccer Clinic will be offering grade 8-12 male and female participants, high-performance soccer training in a University environment while fulfilling the academic requirements of two school classes.

Young soccer players will have the opportunity to complete their academic and elective requirements at Burnaby Mountain Secondary during the regular academic day. Clinic participants will participate in two Soccer classes, every other day from approximately 8:45 – 11:10. (i.e. Tues/Thurs week one, and M/W/F week two, of a two-week class rotation).

The emphasis is to develop the ‘complete’ Student-Athlete, with a focus on both the athletic and academic development of each participant.


The SFU Soccer Clinic is a cooperative venture between the SFU Athletics Department and the Burnaby School District. The delivery of this sports program will be under the supervision of varsity assistant soccer coaches (Dan Fairhurst and Kevin Harmse) and will be geared towards the development of high-performance athletes. The clinic will occur at the Simon Fraser University Burnaby campus atop Burnaby Mountain.

Clinic Content

This a truly comprehensive soccer academy. The Soccer Clinic classes consist of on-field soccer technical skill development complemented by speed, strength and power training sessions and yoga. Classroom instruction further supplements the physical activities by studying aspects that can affect play such as game analysis, sports psychology, nutrition and other areas related to the science of sport and training as applied to soccer.


Hosted at Cariboo Hill but students at any Burnaby school may attend

September start date. Full year students only.

2-3 sessions per week for 36 weeks (1.5 – 2 hrs. per session) before school start + 1 block, every 2nd day

Classes include:

  • video analysis via iPad (slow-motion instant replay),
  • weight training by a certified Strength & Conditioning Coach,
  • nutritional & mental preparation coaching
  • Training gear and equipment provided

Academy Minimum & Maximum Sizes

  • Minimum: 15
  • Maximum: 32


Choose from two pathways:

1. Academy Stream

Any student in grades 8-12 with a desire to incorporate a volleyball skill academy program into their academic pursuits.

Monthly Fee: $235/month payable directly to the Academy.

2. Elite Stream

Selected students in grades 9-12 with a desire to pursue a high-performance pathway while balancing their academic pursuits. This cohort has a lower coach to athlete ratio. Athletes must be assessed for the elite stream.

Monthly Fee: $280/month payable directly to the Academy.

If in doubt as to which steam, there will be try-outs at the beginning of the school year, and/or send student’s volleyball background to your Burnaby Marketing Advisor who will check with the Academy Director.

Why study in Burnaby?

With superior academic programs and modern facilities, all located within a city of vibrant green spaces, modern shopping malls, safe residential neighbourhoods, and state of the art public transit, choosing an education in Burnaby is the right choice.


Burnaby School District has one of the largest Advanced Placement (AP) programs in Canada.


Burnaby is located in the centre of Metro Vancouver. Its world-class SkyTrain public transit provides access to downtown Vancouver in just 30 minutes.


Burnaby schools feature modern facilities and state of the art technology.

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