
FAQs*: Accommodation

(FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions)

How Can I Apply?

Please go on to our website studyinburnaby.ca and click on Apply Now.

Does the Burnaby School District have dormitories?

No. We only have homestay accommodation.

What is homestay?

Homestay is living with a Canadian family and being a part of that family.

Who arranges homestay accommodation?

Langara  Homestay

The District partners with Langara Homestay. Please note that homestay spaces are very limited. Langara will usually place on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please contact Langara Homestay directly. Their email address is HOMESTAY@LANGARA.CA

Other Homestay Options

For your information, here is a list of OTHER HOMESTAY COMPANIES options, not associated directly with SD41, but that have host families in Burnaby.

We recommend that you contact them immediately, as homestays in Burnaby are extremely limited.

Can I change my homestay if I don’t like it? Is there a fee for this?

If there is a reasonable reason to change then yes you can. There is no fee but families expect 30 days’ notice unless it is deemed by Langara Homestay to be an emergency/safety issue.

How far are homestays from the school?

Homestays are usually located a 15 – 45 minute commute from the student’s’ school by public transit. Due to Covid, travel times may be a little longer

Can students live alone?

No. Students must live with a Burnaby-approved adult of 25 years of age or older.

Can my elementary aged student live with my friend, relative?

Up to Grade 5 a child must live with his/her natural parent. In Grades 6 & 7 a child can live with a close family member e.g. grandparent, aunt, uncle. The family connection must be verifiable.

Do I have to have a custodian?

All Burnaby international students under the age of 19 must have a custodian unless living with a natural parent.

Does the school act as the custodian?

No. If requesting Langara Homestay, they will arrange the custodianship – it will be one of the host parents. If a private homestay arrangement, natural parents are responsible for finding an approved custodian.

What is an approved custodian?

A custodian must be over 25 years of age, be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, live in Burnaby or in close proximity to Burnaby, and should be able to communicate in English.

Can my brother or sister be my custodian if they are studying in Canada?

No, unless he/she is over 25 years of age, is a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, lives in Burnaby or in close proximity to Burnaby, and is able to communicate in English.

How can I find a custodian if I am a Langara Homestay student or if I am using a private homestay?

If you are a Langara Homestay student the homestay parent(s) will be appointed your custodian. If you are in private homestay then you or your agent is responsible for finding an approved custodian. See question #9 for what is an approved custodian.

Why study in Burnaby?

With superior academic programs and modern facilities, all located within a city of vibrant green spaces, modern shopping malls, safe residential neighbourhoods, and state of the art public transit, choosing an education in Burnaby is the right choice.


Burnaby School District has one of the largest Advanced Placement (AP) programs in Canada.


Burnaby is located in the centre of Metro Vancouver. Its world-class SkyTrain public transit provides access to downtown Vancouver in just 30 minutes.


Burnaby schools feature modern facilities and state of the art technology.

SD41 Partners